This is a writeup for the Reversing challenge load3r from InCTF-2018.

  • Checkout the binary here.
  • Here is the solution in python:
  • Here is the analyzed disassembly: dump

Problem statement:

======= Difficulty level : Easy ========

A basic bootloader challenge. Note: The flag format is inctf{correct_input}

Note: The challenge must be run in qemu-system-i386 version 2.5.0

========== Authors : b3y0nd3r, r00tus3r ==========

It says it’s a bootloader challenge. When we run file command on it,

$ file boot_try.bin
boot_try.bin: DOS/MBR boot sector

We should know that when the when x86 machine boots, it begins execution in real mode. This is a 16bit mode, hence the binary should be disassembled in 16 bit mode. I used objdump to get the disassembly.

objdump -D -b binary -mi386 -Maddr16,data16 boot_try.bin -Mintel > dump

This got me disassembly in the dump file.

This also gave me some extra disassembly which were actually strings. Thus I had to cleanup a bit. Also I used this website to do a quick search about interrupts. I used radare2 as a hex reader, which helped me seek to address with s addr command and print hex using px command.

This is the final dump file where I took notes on.

Let’s analyze the disassembly


  • At address 0x00, main code which sets up registers and calls 0x11b with si value set to 0x16
  • At 0x16 string, ENTER THE FLAG exists. Thus it is calling print function. Enter the flag
  • After that it calls 0x128.


  • This is a print function to the address pointed by si. Observe it calls interrupt int 0x10 with ah=0xe.


  • Here it takes input from keyboard. Observe int 0x16.
  • It reads only 0x22 characters or until ‘\r’
  • Input is stored at 0x6f


  • This does first round of encryption.
  • Based on string at 0xc9 i.e ‘0100010011011101111111011010110101’, at the offset if it’s ‘1’, it byte is shifted left by one bit (shl al, 1) else shifted right by one bit (shr al, 1). 0101 string
  • The result is stored in 0xee.
  • Remember it considers only 0x22 characters.


  • It calls print with argument (si pointing) to the string ‘NOOOO’


  • It calls print with argument (si pointing) to the string ‘Yeah, that is the flag’


  • This does second round of encryption.
  • It XORs each byte from previous round’s result stored at 0xee with value 0x5.
  • Then it compares with the string at 0x27 in reverse order.
  • At 0x27, the string ‘w2g1kS<c7me3keeuSMg1kSk%Se<=S3%/e/’ exists.
  • If matches calls 0x192 else calls 0x184


  • Take the string w2g1kS<c7me3keeuSMg1kSk%Se<=S3%/e/ and flag 0100010011011101111111011010110101.
  • XOR each character with 0x5 and store this new string.
  • Reverse this new string.
  • Based on the flags character at each characters offset,
      if flag_char == '1':
          right shift the bits of character by one bit.
          left shift the bits of character by one bit
  • The flag is the resulting string. (Enclosed by the inctf{FLAG})

Checkout this solution written in python.