This is a writeup for stack level 6.

Checking the disassembly, the main function calls getpath. In getpath the vulnerable function gets is called for string at address $ebp-0x4c. (We know that return address lies at $ebp+0x4). But there is a catch. Unlike Stack5, we cannot use stack address as the new return address after buffer overflow.


We can see that, when the ret & 0xbf000000 is 0xbf000000, it calls exit to exit the program thus the updated return value is not used. This is a simple implementation of preventing code execution on stack. There are hardware implementation for this like NX bit.


libc is the C standard library which will be used by the C program to uses library functions. This means, it will contain the code (object code) for functions like system, exec, exit etc.

libc is a dynamic library, and we will use the function system which helps in executing commands. We have to find a way to jump to the function system and send /bin/sh as the argument. Thus when calling system stack should look like,


We’ll get all these address as offset in the libc so that we can add them with the base address where libc loads. Libc offsets

Now we will get the libc base address from the memory mappings using gdb. gdb command info proc mappings gives up the memory mapping for the process being currently run. Libc base address

Now we have everything we need, using this python script, we will create payload,

#! /usr/bin/python2.7

import struct
import sys

baddr = int(sys.argv[1], 16) # address where libc loads
system_off = baddr + 0x00038fb0
exit_off = baddr + 0x0002f0c0
binsh_off = baddr + 0x11f3bf

pad = 'A' * 0x50

payload = pad + struct.pack("I", system_off) + struct.pack("I", exit_off) + struct.pack("I", binsh_off)

Here padding is 0x50 because, the input string is at $ebp-0x4c and the return pointer will be at $ebp+0x4. Also we are supplying the libc base address as an argument.



  • Place address to system at $ebp+0x4
  • Place address to exit at $ebp+0x8. This is optional since we don’t worry if the program successfuly exits once we exit shell.
  • Place address of the string "/bin/sh" at $ebp+0xc
  • Get the address where libc loads since all the above address are offset to this (add offset to base address).
  • Because of buffer overflow control flow will go to system and thus getting us a shell.